
Features and usage

Rationale and principle

When developers work on multiple projects, or have multiple tasks on the same project, it is not rare to forget about one of them. Branches can rot with time and become harder to merge.

check-branches warns about branches that it considers too old. It is then the developer’s choice to act: refresh it or delete it.

The age of a branch is computed from the date of its latest commit. The author of a branch is reported by looking at the author of the latest commit.


$ check-branches --help
usage: check-branches [-h] [--conf CONF] [--format {csv,text,xunit}] [--max-age MAX_AGE] [--no-color] [path]

Check your code for unattended branches

positional arguments:
  path                  Git-managed path where search should happen. Defaults to the working directory.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --conf CONF           Path of the configuration file. Defaults to pyproject.toml if it exists.
  --format {csv,text,xunit}
                        Output format. Defaults to human-readable text (one result per line).
  --max-age MAX_AGE     Maximum age in days allowed for a branch, errors otherwise. Defaults to 90.
  --no-color            Do not colorize errors. Defaults to colorizing errors in red.


When you cannot do anything better, you can quickly make a branch fresh by pushing an empty commit (that you can squash later):

$ git ci --allow-empty --fixup=@ -m "empty commit to make check-branches happy"


check-branches takes its configuration from a TOML file. By default and if present, pyproject.toml is read (as a courtesy for Python projects, even though check-branches is language-agnostic). A limited list of options can be overridden via command line arguments (that you can list with check-branches --help). Such overrides take precedence over the values defined in the configuration files (or the default values if omitted).

The TOML configuration file should have a [tool.check-branches] section, like this:

max-age = 30

For an example configuration file, see the configuration file of the check-oldies project itself.

Here is the list of all options that can be configured via the TOML configuration file:

General options


A list of regular expressions (using Python syntax). Branches that match one of these regexps will be ignored.

Type: list.
Default: ["gh-pages", "master", "prod", "maint(enance)?/.*"].
Example: calm-branches = ["master", "dev"].


This option only makes sense if you have configured access to a Git hosting platform, see host-api-access below. It allows to ignore branches for which there is no pull/merge request. This is mostly useful for forks or projects where you keep a lot of long-running branches for which the calm_branches option is not adequate.

Type: boolean.
Default: false (i.e. report a branch as old whether there is a related pull/merge request or not).
Example: ignore_branches_without_pull_request = true.

max-age (overridable via the command line)

The age (in days) above which a branch is considered old.

Type: integer.
Default: 90.
Example: max-age = 30.

path (overridable via the command line)

The path of the directory in which check-branches looks for branches. It must be a Git checkout repository.

Type: string.
Default: "." (current working directory).
Example: path = "/path/to/git/checkout".

Git hosting platform

These options relate to GitHub, GitLab and other hosting platforms where your project may reside. They are used to provide links to web pages that show the branch and the associated pull/merge request, if any.

Currently, only GitHub is supported. It should not be too hard to extend to other platforms. Contributions are welcome..


This option is a table in TOML parlance, also known as dictionary, mapping, hash table, etc.

It looks like this:

host-api-access.platform = 'github'
host-api-access.auth-token-file = '~/.config/github_auth_token'

See below for the possible keys in this table. Currently, only GitHub and Gitlab are supported.

If your repository is hosted on GitHub or Gitlab, you only need to configure one of the authentication token-related options. The default value of the other options are tailored for GitHub.

If you do not have access to the API of a Git hosting platform, don’t configure anything in host-api-access.


The base URL of the web API of the Git hosting platform.

Type: string.
Default: "".
Example: host-api-access.api-base-url = "".


The name of the environment variable that contains the authentication token to access the web API of the Git hosting platform.

Type: string.
Default: None.
Example: host-api-access.auth-token-env-var = "GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN".

An authentication token must be set with this option or auth-token-file (see below).


The path to the file that contains the authentication token to access the web API of the Git hosting platform.

Type: string.
Default: None.
Example: host-api-access.auth-token-file = "~/.config/github_auth_token".

An authentication token must be set with this option or auth-token-env-var (see above).


The name of the Git hosting platform. This is used to determine the API client to use. For now, only github and gitlab are supported.

Type: string.
Default: "github".
Example: host-api-access.platform = "gitlab".


The pattern to be used to build the URL of each branch of the repository. The default value is tailored for GitHub. The {owner} value is extracted from the remote origin’s URL.

Type: string.
Default: "{owner}/{repo}/tree/{branch}".
Example: host-url = "{owner}/{repo}/tree/{branch}".

Output options


By default, errors (old branches) appear in red. Set this option to false if you want to use the default foreground color.

Type: boolean.
Default: true.
Example: colorize-errors = false.

format (overridable via the command line)

The output format.

Type: string, one of: csv, text or xunit.
Default: text
Example: format = "xunit".

only-old (overridable via the command line)

By default, all branches are displayed. When this option is enabled, only old branches are displayed.

Type: boolean.
Default: false
Example: only-old = true.